Tuesday, July 19, 2011

They’ve said their I Do’s…..

and what a beautiful wedding it was! 


I have a few pictures I would like to share with all of you that were taken by a friend.  As a very nervous mother the day of the wedding, I forgot my camera!  I’ll have more pictures to share, once we get our professional pictures back which should be this week.   

The whole wedding party.  Patrick wore his Military dress uniform and if I have to say so myself, he looked sharp.  And weren’t the twin ring bearers and flower girl cute?  Now that toddler groomsman was a ham!  


Lauren with the groomsmen.


Lauren with her bridesmaids, ring bearers and flower girl.


Would you just look at these young adults. They sure loved “their champagne”, which was white grape juice.  


Lauren and Patrick have now settled into their new home in North Carolina.  And that leaves my husband and I as empty nesters.  We are really happy for our daughter, but we do miss her.


It’s hard to believe that most  people have at least a year to plan for a wedding and we (I) did it in just a little over four months.  But it all came together beautifully and Lauren and Patrick seemed so happy.



  1. Gail they make such a beautiful couple, your daughter looked gorgeous!! Much happiness to them!! Martina

  2. She is beautiful and what a lovely wedding. Four months? Wow! You will miss her deeply. After we helped move my daughter into their house, which is only 25 minutes from here, I cried all the way home. Just not the same once the kids are gone. Used to it now though. It has been five years.

  3. How beautiful, Gail! I love her gown! Those kids are just too adorable sitting at their own little table enjoying their "champagne". The the color of the bridesmaid dresses, too. Pat yourself on the back there, Mom! Good job!

    You've come down off an adrenaline high with the wedding and prep, make sure you don't get caught up in the empty nest part of it. I think it's time to plan a project or go on vacation with the hubs! : )

  4. What a beautiful couple! We planned my daughters wedding (that took place this past Sept.) in a year. I don['t know how you did it in 4 months! It sure looked beautiful though! Can't wait to see more! OH, and it took out photographer over 6 months to get our pics to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Congratulations, Gail on a new son-in-law. Another Military man in the family, I see. Your daughter is just beautiful and so radiantly happy!
    Have a blessed day, my friend.

  6. Beautiful Gail, everything looks gorgeous, the pretty bride and hansome groom and the entire, lovely wedding party! Next time do show us the mother of the bride, the wedding planner and executive...YOU!! Thank you for sharing this happy time with us and congrats, many blessings and pappiness for your lovely daughter. Lots of hugs. FABBY

  7. Just beautiful! Glad to see you back posting. I've missed you!

  8. Beautiful, Gail! So happy for you. They pics are gorgeous. I love her dress.

  9. Gail,
    What a beautiful wedding...groom and bride both look so happy...love her dress. My daughter just got married three weeks ago...it took us seven months.



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