Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Crown Molding and Tile is up in Master Bathroom

Happy Monday Everyone!  How was your weekend? The best part of our weekend was spent in the master bathroom.  We installed the crown molding and tiled behind the tub shower stall.   


  I still need to grout and caulk but I couldn’t wait to share what we have done so far……I love it!  


I can’t begin to tell you what a difference it has made by just adding the tile behind the tub shower stall. 


It’s hard to believe that one week ago today, our master bathroom looked like this.  


And today it’s looking like this.  


We still need to install a piece of tile on the lower wall but we’re waiting until after we install the new flooring.  We will remove the baseboard and floor molding before we install the flooring. I have my fingers crossed that our flooring arrive this week so we can start installing it by the weekend.  Expected delivery date is February 20th. 

I also managed to squeeze in a little time this weekend to paint a piece of furniture.


I’ll share it with all of you once I’m finished accessorizing it. 

As always, thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day. 


Linking this post to:

Northern Cottage for Party Time


  1. Wow, the tile looks great and can't wait to see the furniture piece.

  2. Never thought to tile over the shower.
    The crown molding sure finishes it off.

  3. Pretty!
    I'd love a new surround (not necessarily tile) around our tub and shower. I'm thinking something a little more rustic.
    But your tile...looks fantastic! I've done a little bit of tweaking in our ONLY bathroom the last couple of weeks.
    Our bathrooms may be the smallest rooms in our homes...but they have one of the biggest impacts when it comes to makeovers. I guess because that is where we pamper ourselves!

    Love your changes.

  4. Love the old world feel of the tile. I like the teaser. Can't wait to see the rest.

  5. Very pretty tile :o) Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!

  6. That is gonna look great, I love it! I thought at first it said the best part of your weekend was spent in the master BEDroom. I had my comment all ready then realized it was BATHroom.


  7. Your bathroom is lookin good Gail and I can't wait to see the piece you painted!

  8. Love that tile, Gail! It really does make a big difference. Love what I can see of the piece you painted ~ great moldings!

  9. It's looking good Gail, what a difference it has made, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that the flooring come in this week!

  10. I love the tile you chose! It looks amazing already ... can't wait to see the finished product!

  11. Love the tile Gail, so pretty. Can't wait for the full reveal.

  12. It looks great!!! Good luck with the flooring and can't wait to see it after it's all complete.

  13. Looks wonderful! It's always nice to redo a room!
    Can't wait to see more.

  14. Wow it looks great! XO, Clydia


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