Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dreams Do Come True!

  I have some exciting news to share!   I signed a six months lease today  for an 8x10 space at A Unique House of Antiques.  This is the same antique mall where I was placed on a vendor waiting list back in September.  This is the space I will be renting when it becomes available December 1st. 


The space is still being occupied but the vendor has begun to clear out his space.    I can’t wait to get in there and paint the walls and the floor.  


Charlie and I are also planning to build a wall on top of the half wall that will contain window openings.  


I still can’t believe it!  This has been a dream of mine and it’s finally coming true.  My mind is going 50 miles a minute with all the things I want and need to get the space ready by December 1st.  So if I’m missing for a little while, know that I’m busy pursuing my dream. 

As always, thanks for stopping by and hope you all have a wonderful weekend.



  1. How exciting. I kind of want to do that, but the place here wants a six month lease, too and I am not too keen on that. Good luck.

  2. How exciting for you Gail!!! So happy for you! Goodness what a lot of work ahead when you have Christmas things going too. Don't work yourself too hard getting it all done.

    bee blessed

  3. congrats Gail. I wish you the greatest success.

  4. Good for you Gail, I'm so happy for you! Be sure to show pics of your space when you do get in there!!!

  5. Congratulations to you Gail, how exciting!

  6. Congratulations, my friend! I know you will do awesome! Cannot wait to see pics of your space when you get it all fixed up.

  7. I'm ecstatic for you Gail. This is the start of something. Dreams do come true. Congratulations! This is very exciting.
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  8. Congrats Gail, that is exciting! Have fun with it!

  9. This is very exciting indeed, Gail. I cannot wait to see it when you have transformed the space. I like the sound of the windows. Congratulations, I am really very happy for you.

  10. Congratulations Gail! Can't wait to see how you fix up your space! You are so talented I know it will look beautiful! Have fun!

  11. Congratulations, Gail! I am so excited for you! I've got some checking around to do myself for a space and I'm hoping to find one in 2013. I can't wait to see what you do to this space and how it looks with all your things in it.

  12. I am so excited for you! I had a space years ago, and it was one of the most fun things I have ever done. If the antique mall had not gone out of business I would still be there. You will not believe how much fun you will have tweaking your own little space! I'm so sad that I'm not close enough to visit, but I hope you'll post lots and lots of photos. Congratulations Gail!
    xo, Andrea

  13. Congratulations! How exciting for you!!
    Can't wait to see your space all finished.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  14. Congrats to you!!! It will be so neat to see your booth because I know it's going to be sooo attractive. I wish you all the best and hope your booth is very successful!!! Yay!

  15. How exciting for you. I really look forward to future posts about the shop.

  16. How exciting Gail! I know it will be a lovely space and look forward to seeing it when you open.
    Wishing you much success!

  17. CONGRATS Gail I am so happy for you!! Can't wait to see all the pretties you fill your booth with!

  18. Congratulations Gail! I can't wait to see how you transform the space to showcase your finds. It's going to be THE place to shop!

  19. I just knew you were going to get in there. Charlie will do a wonderful job of making it look just you want, and I know the space is going to look great. Take lots of pictures so we can all come right along with you.


  20. Congrats, Gail. I know you're space will be stunning.

  21. I'm so happy your dream came true!! Now i wish i lived closer so i can shop at your booth.


  22. Congratulations!! This is awesome ~ both for you and for the buyers. They will LOVE your space.


  23. This is exciting news!!! Follow your dreams girl. Can't wait for you to share your space with us.

  24. This is so exciting! I have thought about renting a space in a local antique store, but I haven't done anything other than just think about it. Can't wait to see how you change your space! Good luck getting everything ready for business!

  25. Gail,
    I am sooooo HAPPY for you!!! You will have so much fun with this. Don't fell alone trying to move in a space here at Christmas...I am moving in a new space this week too:) I can't wait to see how it all looks after you move in.


  26. Gail, how exciting for you! I know that you are just over the moon! Congratulations...I wish you much success!

  27. Congratulations on getting a space! You will do well, girl, you have what it takes, I think. Enjoy!!! I look forward to seeing what it looks like when you get moved in.
    Hugs, Cindy

  28. Yeehaw!!! Congrats! This is wonderful for you! Whatcha going to do to the floor? Love and black and white but I bet you have something awesome in mind for it! Of course, you will show us pictures once you've moved in, right? Oh how I wish I could find a good space too! I'll keep looking! Enjoy and best wishes for years of success! Hugs, Leena


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