Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happy Happy Happy

Hello Everyone!  It’s been awhile since my last post.  The last two months have been a whirlwind of activities all of which have been one happy event after another.  One of the happy events that Charlie and I attended was a graduation ceremony for our son-in-law.  After an intense eighteen months of training, he is officially a Green Beret now!     


Now that things seem to be slowing down,  I’m hoping to get back on track.  My son who is in Afghanistan has mentioned that he has missed my blog postings.  If my little old blog makes him happy, than I need to get back on track.

As always, thanks for stopping by and I hope to have a blog post up tomorrow.  I have a lot to share! 



  1. How wonderful Gail! I've taken more time off with blogging than I have ever did in all the time I've been blogging and it has felt so good. Now I'm ready to get back in the groove with fall approaching!

  2. Hi Gail! I've missed you! Congratulations to your son-in-law. What an achievement and such a beautiful couple. That's so sweet that your son checks your blog. My prayers for protection for him. Glad you're back.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Gail, congratulations to your son-in-law! What an accomplishment! I have missed your posts and look forward to what you have to share!

  4. Congrats to your son-in-law! What a great accomplishment! Beautiful family!

  5. Congratulations to your son-in-law! So good to hear you are back! Missed you!

  6. So good to see a post from you, Gail! I figured you were busy and/or taking a Summer break. I know how busy you've been with painting and makeovers for your booth, too. Looking forward to hearing about what you've been up to! : )

  7. Congratulations to your son in law!


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