Thursday, January 10, 2013

I would have never thought…..

…… in a million years that my little booth would have done as well as it has.  It has only been a little over a month and I’m working my butt off to restock but I’m as happy as I can be!  

On Friday, Charlie and I loaded my SUV up and headed over to restock and I couldn’t get things in my booth fast enough.  People were going through and buying things that were sitting in the aisle.   

Today, I thought I would show you around my booth and let you see what has been keeping me so busy. 







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Below is a picture of my booth when I moved in a little over a month ago and very few things you see are still there!  


I had been asked by the Antique Mall Manger if I would consider moving to the front of the store.  After flip flopping back and forth, I’ve made the decision that I would move to the front effective February 1st.   I hope I do as well there as I have in the back. 

If I’m MIA for a little while….just bare with me as I still have tons of things to do. 

As always, thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 


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Savvy Southern Style for WOW Us Wednesday


  1. Your booth looks great, Gail! I knew you would do well! : ) Congrats on your move to the front of the store. Looking forward to seeing your new space. Does this mean you will have a window view now?

  2. Oh Gail, that's awesome! Good for you! Your booth looks amazing! I can't blame your customers. I would want to buy everything too...starting with that bakery sign!

  3. Gail you booth looks beautiful I can see why your treasures are flying out the door! I bet you will do even better in the front! You better get busy shopping!

  4. How wonderful Gail, I think it's an honor to be asked to move to the front! It's so nice that you are doing so well and quite a few things caught my eye, love the Bakery sign too! The women must be going crazy when they see your stuff!

  5. Hi Gail, I can definately see why you're doing so well.. all your items are just amazing and you have set it up so wonderfully! The owner probably wants you to move to the front to attract more people into the shop 'cause as soon as they see your stuff they will be automatically drawn in!! I'm sure you will do even better!! take care, Maryann

  6. Congrats gail!!! Your booth looks great!

  7. Gail! Love your shop!
    It looks fantastic.
    I was taken back when I saw the little red lantern lamp with burlap shade. My momma had one of those when I was growing up. Looks identical!
    Thanks for showing us around...
    Hope your new move brings in more customers for you and lots of sales!
    Can't remember if I told you...Happy New Year! Pat

  8. Your space is very attractive! No wonder you're doing so well! Lots of goodies there. Congrats on your success!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  9. Looks wonderful, so wish I could go visit...
    Happy you are doing so well!!!

  10. Congratulations! WHo would not want to buy something in your charming booth. IT is the kind that makes you feel good when you enter..I always buy more in those booths!

  11. Gail,
    Congrats on doing so well with your booth...moving in a better location is going to be wonderful for your sales.


  12. I'm not at all surprised they want you right up front.. your space is fabulous and very eye catching..
    I wish you major Success~!

  13. Gail, your booth looks great! I can see why you've been so successful...great products and great merchandising! I think you will do really well up front! Wishing you much MORE success!

  14. Gail I'm not surprised!! Your inventory is superior...
    I can see many items that I would purchase...Do you ship????
    Congrats on your Booth!!

  15. I'm not surprised in the least that your booth is doing so fabulously!!! Your pieces are fantastic and you really know how to display things in a tantalizing way. Congratulations on your current success, and I have no doubt that you will have even more success once you get moved up front! :)

  16. Hi Gail,
    I'm so happy for you but like many other comments I'm not surprised. You have a wonderful eye and you are so creative. I see many things in your booth that I'd love to have.

    Keep up the good work.


  17. Congrats! That is wonderful...I wish I could shop there!

  18. How wonderful, Gail! Everything looks awesome!

  19. That is great that it is going so well. I so need to do this. I have so much stuff to get rid of. I love the quilt I see. Wish I lived close by I would look at that.

  20. Love getting these updates! Everything you have looks fantastic!!! Good luck up front. I am sure it will be even better!

  21. Oh My...your booth looks awesome!! I have a feeling that you will do even better up front. I can see why customers were buying items before you could even put them out on display in your booth. Wish I lived closer...I see several things that I would love to have in my home.

  22. Wow!!! Wish I could shop there! I would be there every week. It's amazing!

  23. Your booth looks awesome! I'm not surprised you're doing well. You have such a beautiful way of decorating. I'm sure you will do even better in the front of the store.

  24. quite amazing. Can't resist myself from commenting.

  25. Gail, no wonder you have had so many clients, your booth is beautiful! You have some amazing inventory! I wish we lived closer! Wish you much success in your business this year!

  26. And I am so very happy for you Gail! Fantastic, and it does not surprise me in the least. Congrats and Happy New year to you.

  27. That's great news Gail, I am so happy for you!! Your booth looks AMAZING so many pretty things!!

  28. Oh I knew you would be a hit! Congratulations! We move everything ALOT in the store (per corporate), any feature items for sales or whatever we want to promote that week always go to the front of the store. It is considered the most valuable piece of real estate in the building. It's like putting your best foot forward. What an honor! Congrats again to you and wishing you much continued success!

  29. Congratulations on your success! How I would love to be able to shop at your wonderful booth! As always, your styling is fantastic :)
    xo, Andrea

  30. That is wonderful Gail. Your styling and artful display has everything to do with your success. I know how hard it is to keep stocked. Right now is a slim time for my stock.

  31. just to let you know that i have had a shabby chic shop over over a year and i have not done as well as you seem to be in any month as it appears you are doing soooo congrats to you and keep up the good work it looks like you take great pains to demonstate how to use these products which is something i need to improve on i promise you don't probably realize just how well you are doing and HOW GOOD you are at the art of display wish we live close and i would hire you to display and redesign my shop great take a bow you are doing GOOD in this economy!!!!!

  32. You have a knack, Gail. Of course you'll do just as well, if not even better, up front. I'm so happy for you.

  33. That's a no brainer to be in the front of the store where everyone can quickly grab your stuff before someone else pulls it out from in front of them!


  34. Your booth is fabulous. No wonder it is all selling so well. Hugs, Marty

  35. Hi Gail! Never had a doubt that you would be successful in your booth! It's so pretty and you have such a wonderful eye for staging everything to show off how wonderful it all is! I know that once you move to the front, you'll enjoy even more success! Heck, there may not even be a reason for folks to go beyond your booth! Have fun and congrats! Hugs, Leena

  36. I'm not surprised you do well! I hope you can keep up with yourself! Good luck on the move up front! Kudos!!

  37. I have only been to a few antique stores and they have nothing on you. I can't help but think your items up-sale themselves with the way you accessorize them together. Great job!!

  38. Dearest Gail, it is no wonder that you've done so well! You have a great eye for vintage items and you are a superb decorator. A person can look at your displays and feel like they can reproduce them and make their home as lovely as they've always imagined it to be. You will do even better at the front, I'm sure! I hope you're making gobs of money, too!
    I LOVE that red lantern lamp, I'm wondering if you made that yourself. It can't be too hard, can it?
    Hugs, C indy


  39. Good for you . My friend in a little town would love to say that, however maybe his shop is just too out out of the way of great traffic you have.

    Looks real sweet

  40. Congrats, Gail! You have some wonderful things for sale and they are displayed beautifully. xx, Sherry

  41. Gail, congrats on your success! Your booth is stunning! I'd happily shop there :)

  42. How exciting! So happy for you that things are going well! :) it looms beautiful!

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  44. Wowzers, Gail! Your booth is just beautiful!! I'm not surprised that the manager wants you at the front of the store! Thank you for following Heaven's Walk and leaving your sweet and encouraging comments. It's always so nice to hear from new friends! Hope you have a successful week at your booth, girlie!

    xoxo laurie

  45. Your booth is amazing, I see why you are having a hard time keeping it stocked.
    I'll take everything on left please! LOL
    Much success to you in this new year.

  46. OH wow Gail you have so many wonderful treasures for sale. It sure looks like your going to be a great success.


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