Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 Top Ten Most Viewed

Hello Everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.  I know we sure did! 

I can not believe that in just a few short days we will be celebrating a New Year!  Where did 2012 go?  In reflecting back, I thought I would share with you the most viewed post for 2012.  Starting with the most popular post first.  You can click on the title to review the post. 

#1 Dining Room and Salvation Army Silver044

#2 The Finishing Touches in a Country Kitchen


#3 Patriotic Front Porch


#4 The Farm Table and a Birthday Weekend Getaway


#5 Antique Sign for the Mantel Shelf

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#6 Christmas Mantel Shelf


#7 The Powder Room Reveal


#8 Fall Touches on the Mantel Shelf


There was a tied for #9:  A New Table and a Pottery Barn Knock-off


and Piddling Around in the Kitchen with Vintage Finds


Last but not least #10 Home Sweet Home an Autumn Welcome


I would like to thank all of you who read my blog and for those of you who follow along.   Without your sweet comments and encouragement I probably would not be blogging today…’re the best!  I’m getting excited for this new year and looking forward to what it brings!!  



  1. Gail I enjoyed looking back at your top ten posts of the year!I am so glad we met through blogging I always reading your posts and seeing your beautiful home! I look forward to what you will be sharing in the coming year! Best wishes to you and your family in the coming year!

  2. Oh so fun to revisit these wonderful posts and such great projects. Your vignettes are always stunning. Happy New Year. Hugs, Marty

  3. Always fun to look back! I just look forward to your posts so much....such great ideas and stunning vignettes. Happy New Year Martina! Jane

  4. Loved relooking at your top 10 posts of the year. So glad that I found your blog this past year.
    Have a Happy New Year!!

  5. Gail,
    It was nice looking back with ya. Happy New Year!!!!


  6. Amazing, wonderful! can you teach me your skills of decorating. I want to decorate simple home like a place
    Hospitality furniture

  7. You had so many great projects this year, Gail! I always love seeing your mantel shelf decorated. The projects you did for your son and daughter-in-law's kitchen are wonderful, too. Looking forward to visiting with you and seeing what you are working on in 2013 {in addition to your new booth!}. Happy New Year!

  8. Gail, everything was beautiful! You have a gift for displaying and creating wonderful vignettes! Looking forward to more inspiration from you in 2013! Blessings for the New Year!

  9. Love all your vignettes Gail and your blog.

  10. Gail, so many beautiful posts! Thank you for a great year and creativity, inspiration and lovely friendship! Looking forward to more in 2013! Hugs, Leena

  11. Happy New Year, to your sidekick Charlie too.


  12. So many awesome projects Gail! I loved them all and look forward to seeing what you have planned for 2013!!

  13. Hello Gail,

    I am a new follower and so glad I found your site. My husband and I purchased a farm back in August of this year and have been remodeling. Your deco ideas are what I am looking to use in my farm house. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas, because I absolutely love them. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the new year. Thanks so much.

    Connie L.

  14. Hi Gail! I just love your decor! I definitely want to try using lanterns in my home and holidays in 2013 I hope they'll still be "in"! Just had to stop and say thanks for all the inspiration you bring and sharing your talents! Happy New Year!

  15. Hi Gail, I am new to your site and have so enjoyed your YIR and all the BEAUTIFUL decor. You are a wonderful source of creativity and inspiration to me. I cannot believe that beadboard in your gorgeous bathroom reveal is "wallpaper", I was shocked! I just adore the Mantel shelf and all your different looks for the seasons! I love the shelves in your kitchen and there again all the different looks. You are very talented and I can't wait to see what you do in the new year!
    Holiday Hugs,

  16. Happy New Year Gail!! Thanks for the recap!!

  17. Happy New Year to you Gail!~You had some fantastic projects!

  18. Thanks for sharing all your inspirational decorating ideas and I'm looking forward to another year fabulous projects!

  19. Gail, I just love your style! You did such amazing things in your home this past year! I loved all your mantel displays and the country kitchen finishing touches! Have a great new year! I can't wait to see what you come up with in 2013! ~ Jamie

  20. Happy New Year. Looking forward to another year following your blog, it helps me get inspired! Also anxious to see more pics of your sale booth. It looks like so much fun.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. I'm not sure which one I like the best, because they all look great, Gail. That clock on the rustic boards is a keeper though! Happy new year.

  23. Reading your blog is always a pleasure, dear Gail. You have had some fabulous posts this last year and I know there is even better yet to come in 2013! So on with the show... I mean I look forward to seeing what you are creating even as I key in these words!
    Hugs, Cindy
    Looks like you got some spam going on above this comment.

  24. Hello! Your blog is beautiful. I have something pinned from your blog, but I can't seem to find the post. It's a bushel basket, it looks like it's stained, and it has a label with what looks like French writing.It has green hydrangeas in it.Can you e-mail me with any info? Thanks and happy new year!

  25. It was so much fun to see your top projects for were very busy!!!! Everything looks fabulous! I love those lanterns on your shelf with the chunky candles....very pretty!
    Happy New Year!

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  27. You had some great posts this last year, dear Gail, and I know you'll have some wonderful ones next year, too! I love reading and viewing your wonderful creations! I'm sure you're staying busy with your shop. All the best in the new Year!!!
    Did I tell you that I have another nephew now in the Military and he is in Afghanistan. I pray that our boys will remain safe wherever they are, serving our countries.
    Hugs, Cindy

  28. I've so enjoyed reviewing your blog posts this morning. So much beauty! Happy New Year.

  29. Hi Gail...loved looking through your most viewed posts...always lovely...sorry haven't been on much...I'm so envious of your's perfectly beautiful!!...congrats...xo, Mariaelena


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